
Thursday, November 7, 2013

Hijrah Buat Diriku.

Alhamdulillah, sudah melangkah kita ke tahun baru 1435 Hijrah. Jangan pula dilupakan segala amalan kita di tahun yang lepas. Yang baik kita jadikan teladan, yang buruk kita jadikan pengajaran..
Syukur kepada Allah S.W.T, aku masih bernyawa di muka bumi ini untuk menikmati segala nikmat yang diberikan olehNya kepada diriku ini. Sebagai seorang insan biasa, aku tidak mampu lari dari melakukan kesilapan. Sesungguhnya mudah untuk diri ini terleka.
Aku sedar akan sesutau yang amat penting. Bagaimanakah caranya untuk kita sebagai manusia mengawal diri tatkala kita ditimpa musibah ataupun diuji dengan dugaan? Melalui pengalaman diriku, apa yang aku tahu, ianya adalah tidak mudah kerana kita ini hanya seorang manusia biasa tak terlepas dari melakukan dosa apatah lagi untuk mengawal emosi diri ketika menghadapi dugaan hidup. Tetapi, ianya juga tidak mustahil untuk dilakukan. Sekiranya hati ini kuat dan semangat yang ada itu masih kukuh di dalam jiwa in shaa allah kita mampu untuk mengawalnya. Pertama sekali, perlulah kita sentiasa mengingatkan diri kita tentang kewajipan kita kepada Allah S.W.T. Jikalau kita diuji olehNya, ia adalah kerana Allah menyayangi kita dan kita juga tidak akan diuji dengan dugaan yang tidak mampu untuk kita hadapi. Setiap dugaan yang mendatang sesungguhnya menjadikan diri kita lebih kuat dan tabah dalam menempuh hari mendatang. Percayalah jika kita merasakan diri ini susah, masih ramai lagi insan di luar sana yang menghadapai nasib yang lebih teruk dari kita, sekiranya kita merasakan diri ini senang, jangan lupa bahawa masih ada yang lebih senang dari kita di luar sana. Walau apa jua yang berlaku, bersyukurlah kita dengan setiap kejadian yang menimpa diri kita, sesungguhnya setiap perkara yang berlaku itu juga adalah kerana ketentuan dari Allah S.W.T dan pasti ada hikmah di sebaliknya.
Apakah maksud hijrah bagi diriku? Yang pastinya aku bukanlah seorang insan yang sempurna, aku ada melakukan kesilapan dan dosa, tetapi aku masih mampu untuk sedar dan bertaubat akan setiap dosa yang telah aku lakukan. Tidak mudah untuk nak berubah, ia akan mengambil masa dan memerlukan keyakinan hati yang kuat supaya sesudah kita bertaubat, kita tidak akan melakukan lagi perbuatan yang sama di kemudian hari. Ya, memang mudah untuk mulut berbibacara, "Berubahlah ke arah kebaikan, tinggallah perkara yang buruk, janganlah kau melakukan dosa". Tetapi itu semua bergantung kepada diri sendiri juga, bagaiamanakah cara kita dididik dan apakah yang patut kita lakukan supaya dijauhi dari melakukan dosa ataupun maksiat. Tiada orang lain yang mampu untuk mengubah diri kita jika tidak kita sendiri mengubahnya. Ibu - bapa, rakan - rakan hanya mampu berdoa dan memberikan petunjuk kepada kita ke arah kebenaran tetapi akhirnya kita jualah yang menentukan aopa yang akan kita lakukan. Terlalu banyak godaan di luar sana, jika kita tidak cukup kuat iman dan masih tidak pasti tentang kewajipan kita sebagai hamba Allah S.W.T di muka bumi ini, begitu mudah untuk kita terjerumus ke lembah maksiat dan seterusnya melakukan dosa dan semakin jauh dari keredaan Alah S.W.T. Namun, setiap manusia yang melakukan dosa atau maksiat masih mampu untuk memohon petunjuk dari Allah S.W.T sekiranya dia bersungguh-sungguh mahu mengubah dirinya ke arah kebaikan. Allah S.W.T sentiasa mengampunkan hamba-hanyaNya. Aku berazam untuk menjadi seorang anak yang solehah, yang mendengar kata, yang baik dan berusaha sedaya upaya aku untuk mengurangkan masa aku dari terleka melakukan perkara yang sia-sia dan tidak mendatangkan faedah buat diriku. Aku tidak mampu berjanji tetapi, in shaa Allah aku akan berusaha sedaya upayaku untuk melakukan apa yang aku termampu. Mudah mudahan aku dapat menerima petunjuk dari Allah S.W.T, berserta doa dari kedua ibu - bapaku dan rakan - rakanku. AMIN............


Thursday, October 24, 2013

3 Most Important Things !

First of all, this is ONLY in case I am stranded on a deserted island.

okay, first thing first, of course lah I must bring myself. hehe. Just kidding. The 3 things that I must bring will be knife, rope and spectacles (because I am short sighted). I will explain these things one by one. The reason I need knife is for protection of course and also, for me to cut anything such as to make shelter, to find food or to kill anything that may harm me. The knife must be sharp enough and durable so that it can last long. I think I am not the only one here that will bring the knife along when stranded on a deserted island.
Secondly, rope. Why must rope right? This is because for example, after I already use the knife to cut the wood to make shelter or to make transport I can use the rope to tie it up. Besides, the rope also can be used when I move form one place to another place in case I need to climb mountain or to cross the river. To me, the rope will complement the use of the knife in making useful things later on. 
Thirdly, is my spectacles. It may sound silly, but come on how am I going to survive without my spectacles to do things, to find food, to make shelter and even to walk if I cannot even see clearly without my spectacles Right? So, it is very important to bring along my spectacles. It is something that for sure I cannot live without. 

Of course nobody wants to be stranded on a deserted island, but this is only in case that this kind of things happen. At least I am prepared and know how to deal with the situation. Besides that bringing these 3 things, I must set my mid not to be stress and try be calm even if I am having the worst time in my life. As long as we still have faith, confidence and believe in ALLAH I am sure everything will be just fine. InsyaAllah...
To me this is something that is unpredictable, something that we can't measure, so we just need to deal with what may come for us and just pray for the best. Always put in mind and remember that it is not easy to be easy and it is not hard to be in hard situation. Just be grateful with the present situation we are having and still have confidence even if we are in trouble. 

Thursday, September 19, 2013

My first E-commerce post :)

Still remember Back to The Future movie? for this post I shall be updating about what shall I do if  I am given the chance to go back into the past. a little bit different with the title of the movie of back into the future, mine is back into time. :D

Now is the year of 2013, in the month of September where I am now 22 years old on this December. hehehehe.. There have been so many things happened all this while, the good and not to say bad but a lesson for me to learn in the future. Recently, on 14th September my grandmother has passed away. it was a sad moment for me and my family since I don't really have any more grandmother from my mother or father's side. She was 72 years old and she has diabetic. For me and my family, we accept the fate and need to proceed with our life as usual even though we do miss her a lot. Back to the story, now I am in semester 5 doing degree in entrepreneurship in UiTM Shah Alam. This is already my final semester to study here and after this shall be my 6 months practical in a company that soon I'll choose. for me, it is quite tough all the subjects that I am taking for this semester because my credit hours is 24 (maximum) and the subjects itself are not that easy. Well, I guess I have to put more efforts for this semester so that I can score better. insyaAllah, aamiin..... :)

My blog has not been updated for so long where my last update was in year 2011, which is already 2 years. wooowww! hahahaha. So, now I am back into business. (^_^) Since for this semester I am taking E-commerce as one of my subjects for semester 5, I need to be active back in updating my blog. This is the first post that is updated which is about "back into time". Actually, what I am trying to tell here is that if I am given the chance to turn back time, what would I do? hurrmmm, that is a very tricky question. hehehe.. 

To be honest, there shall not be any much that I would change because first of all, I am very grateful to Allah of all the things that ever happened in my life. the good things will be in my heart forever, while the bad one shall be a lesson for me. However, if I can actually turn back time I would choose to be in my childhood because at that particular time I don't really need to think much of anything. What I do know is that I am enjoying my life as a kid having good times with my friends and do not need to bother about the problems that happened because I know no matter what my family will always be there for life, there is always a new things that we will learn and for me what is more important is that I accept all the mistakes that I made before so that in the future I know not to do it again. besides, I choose to spend more time with my family doing things that we love to do like go for travelling and shopping. Time will leave us but we do wait for the time, so just try our best to enjoy the time that we still have in doing good things in our life. Sometimes it is not about the mistakes that we make, but it is about what do we as human being actually learn from it. We can't definitely turn back time in reality, we just need to be grateful that we are still alive to enjoy what are still available for us in this world. I must admit that I may not be a good person, a good daughter but I do know that I am still trying to be better in the future. Since now I am already 22 years old and there is more responsibility that I must take at least I know that my family will always be behind me to support me despite of anything that happen. Alhamdulillah, I am so grateful....

I do not know how the future will look like, but for now what I am doing is to appreciate all the things that I have and just keep on praying to Allah that He will ease everything for me in the future in term of my future family, career and life. I hope that I can make my family proud of me and happy to have such a daughter like me. InsyaAllah. :) As human being, we can't never run away from problems because the problems themselves that teach us to appreciate life and not to be forgetful of everything that we owned in this world because it is all just temporary.